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St. Philip's Parents and PTG

St. Philip School is proud of its incredibly strong, tight-knit community. Our families are the pillar of our community and play an important role in supporting the school through their involvement both within and beyond the classroom. St. Philip could not thrive without the committed engagement of all families.​

The St. Philip School PTG aims to enhance the academic success of our students, the work environment of our faculty and staff, and the overall community experience of our fellow parents and guardians.  Our social events and fundraisers are geared to not only raise money for the school, but also engage and empower our parent community while bringing social awareness to our children.

PTG Sponsored Activities & Events

The PTG is proud to sponsor the following events and programs:

New Family Welcome Social

August 17, 2024

Teacher Appreciation Luncheons



Parent and Guardian Hike

September 15, 2024

Grandparent / Special Person’s Day

November 27, 2024

Sports Day (with Sports Council)

May 23, 2025

PTG Led Fundraisers

To provide financial assistance for these events and other larger school needs, the PTG conducts the following annual fundraisers:


October 18, 2024

Choice Lunch

Year-round school lunch program


Bruin Open (with Sports Council)

May 9, 2025

PTG Committees
  • Executive

  • Welcoming

  • Faculty Liaisons

  • Bruin Open

  • Oktoberfest

  • Choice Lunch

  • Room Parents

We are always looking for new ideas and extra hands to help.

If interested, email

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